“Though they’ve already proven their outspokenness as an anti-racist organi[zer]/activist, Stellar’s passion is about [to] shine in a separate-but-adjacent setting – folk music. The Austin-based singer’s style falls somewhere between Sinead O’Connor, Indigo Girls, and Joni Mitchell, framing candid societal commentary over enthralling instrumental arrangements.”

~ Jack Anderson, KUTX 98.9

Seamlessly weaving the evocative story and soul of their songwriting with the clarity and urgency of our times, Stellar’s music is a manifesto of fury and compassion, filled with uprising, ancestry, love, hope, and resilience.

From calling out white supremacy, capitalism, and corporate greed, to painting hopeful pictures of a different world, their solo debut RAINBOW SHADOWS is clear: silent complicity in a system that benefits only the few and powerful robs us all of a better and more beautiful future. With echoes of early influences Joni Mitchell and Tracy Chapman, Stellar sings with a conviction and joy that helps us remember the personal is political, oppression must be unlearned, and liberation is for everyone.


Canceled Tuesday Feb 11 due to weather

Singing is joy, singing is connection, singing is healing. Every 2nd Tuesday we gather in the gorgeous Richmond Main Library foyer and join our voices in song. Attendance is free! No experience required.